Hi, I'm back and boy, this has became a long thread.

> > Most of what you've shown can be accomplished with 'pkg_add -r' and
> > some enviromental variables.
> > 
> > I don't see the huge benefit.
> That's because you are not a loser. Losers want plug-and-play. This
> pkg_get is plug and play, pkg_add isn't. It doesn't, for instance,
> automatically retrives a list of the packages available fromt he net
> and show them to you.

Well, I wouldn't use the word 'loser'. A 'newbie' would be more
politically correct. And what's wrong with it if it's easy to use?
/stand/sysinstall is, too. It still doesn't give them breast-feeding.
But he was correct, the benefit is the easiness. And really, I don't think
I could have pushed trough such a radical patch to pkg_add, it would have
just met as much resistance, perhaps even more. I haven't posted anything
to the lists before, just read them silently.

But look, I mean no harm with this - if it's useless, I'll just make a
port out of it and commit it. You never need to see it again. And if you
think the changes should be made to pkg_add, that's a fine idea. Please do
so. But in my opinion it still could become useful. What features should I
actually add? I already discussed about few changes in privacy with -
well, he won't mind - [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he made a few pretty good
suggestions. This usage of master_dist_site isn't a dead idea neither.

And hey, fetch(3) actually does look even better than ftpio(3). I didn't
note all those routines because of my 80x24 xterm, silly me. Well, even
the best of us make mistakes and I'm not definately one of them.

But. I'll listen to new ideas, add as much of them as I can and send a new
posting when a new version gets ready.

May you live long and prosper.
Jaakko Salomaa

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