
I was referring to the practice of chdir-ing
to someplace within the chrooted area right *after* doing the
chroot, before doing anything else. Otherwise, the current
working directory may be pointing to a directory *outside*
the chrooted area. Of course, if you set the current working
directory to someplace inside the chrooted area *before*
doing the chroot, that's fine too.

However, it is a danger that some programmers are not careful
(or are malicious), and neither set an appropriate current dir
before chrooting, nor afterwards. Since this allows one to
break out of a chrooted area, I'm looking for a solution to
this security problem.


TrouBle wrote:
> Ummm sorry but i think you have goten this backwards it is more secure to
> chdir, then chrrot, not chroot then chdir....  I believe what you have here is
> backwards
> >
> > As we all know, the chroot can be escaped because the sample
> > program doesn't change the current working directory, and it's
> > still pointing outside the chrooted area.
> >
> > What if chroot itself chdir'ed to it's new root directory? Would
> > this break existing programs? I'd expect that well-behaved
> > programs would chdir someplace useful before continuing anyway.
> >
> > At the very end of chroot(), could it just
> >         vrele(fdp->fd_cdir);
> >         fdp->fd_cdir = nd.ni_vp;
> > before it returns, setting the current dir to the same place it
> > just chrooted to?
Carol Deihl - principal, Shrier and Deihl - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development
  Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting

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