Brian Somers wrote:
> > I would like to play around with some y2k testing.
> >
> > While setting dates and such works, I'd really like to
> > be able to disable xntpd, and have time move faster.  So
> > I could set the date to 12/28/99 or somesuch, and
> > have time run at 4:1 or 10:1, or something that lets
> > me run through a few days of operation in a few hours...
> >
> >
> > Is there an obviously trivial way to do this?
> I think you can get away with simply tweaking machdep.i8254_freq (if
> you're using that counter that is).

Couldn't he just have xntpd sync to,
instead of modifying the software itself?  Or is this not appropriate
for the Y2k test in question?

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