On Oct 4, 12:52am, Darryl Okahata wrote:
} Subject: Re: Developer assessment (was Re: A bike shed ...)

} 1. Instant escalation.  Example: supplicant A asks question in FreeBSD
}    group.  Some FreeBSD contributor says, "RTFM", and does not give any
}    useful information whatsoever like which "FM" or even a vague area.
}    Supplicant A asks for more information, said FreeBSD contributor
}    insults supplicant A for being clueless newbie crud and flamefest
}    results.
}    Lesson: if you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all.  Look at
}    it this way: you won't have wasted your time, your blood pressure
}    will be lower, and you won't look stupid for having stooped to
}    insults, which also doesn't reflect well upon the FreeBSD
}    contributors.

This is reasonable advice, though what sometimes happens is that A is
then frustrated by the deafening silence and either spams multiple
lists or becomes irate because he thinks he is being actively shunned.
This can also be a problem if the question isn't answered in the FM and
the few FreeBSD experts who are competent to answer the question are
too busy to answer right away or are otherwise distracted.

I think it would lower the frustration level all around if we had some
volunteer question answerers to take some of the load off the developers.
It doesn't sound like fun to me, but neither does doing documentation,
but somehow FreeBSD has managed to find volunteers who only work on
the documentation.

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