A couple of useful packages can make this much quicker.

mkid from ports/devel/id-utils builds a database of symbols
given a source tree.  Then you can use gid to grep for a
symbol, lid to get a list of files that havea symbol etc.
mkid knows about c, c++ and may be some other languages.

If you want to search for arbitrary words, you can use
glimpseindex from port/textproc/glimpse to build the database
and agrep to search for words.  agrep is like grep except
more powerful!  It can also do `approximate' searches among
other things.  Here is a handy agrep use to whet your

zsh> rfc () { agrep -t -i -d'$$' $* /usr/local/doc/rfc/rfc-index.txt }

Now, for example, I can get a list of RFCs that W. Stevens wrote on IPv6:

zsh> rfc 'steve;ipv6'

2133 Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6. R. Gilligan, S.
     Thomson, J. Bound, W. Stevens. April 1997. (Format: TXT=69737 bytes)
     (Obsoleted by RFC2553) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

2292 Advanced Sockets API for IPv6. W. Stevens, M. Thomas. February
     1998. (Format: TXT=152077 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

2553 Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6. R. Gilligan, S.
     Thomson, J. Bound, W. Stevens. March 1999. (Format: TXT=89215 bytes)
     (Obsoletes RFC2133) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

But I digress!  The point is there are better tools than what
is available in the "beginner's toolkit" of the basic Unix

Then there is `global' which can be used to generate tags
file as well as create an htmlized version of your source

Someone should write a `Unix powertools' book.  Not me.

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