I made some days ago UNILOAD v.1.2, the main feature of this version is
the ability to load system from beyond 1024 cylinder mark. Here it is
of some changes:

Changes in version 1.2
- UNILOAD uses IBM/MS INT 0x13 extensions and can load partitions beyond

  1024 cylinder mark
- install program checks if IBM/MS INT 0x13 extensions are supported,
  item 'Drive geometry' in install program can show right geometry
- unknown type of partition is printed as hexadecimal number
- length of highlighted bar in menu is equal to length of longest line

Here it is some lines from README file:

You shouldn't make any configuration to force the ability of UNILOAD to
use LBA packet interface. At first time UNILOAD tries to use LBA packet
interface to read sector. If that attempt failed then UNILOAD use
standard INT 0x13 call.

You can download it on following URL in 'Software' menu item:


On this URL online documentation for UNILOAD is also available, *please
read it before install UNILOAD on your system*. If you have problem with

access to this site (our university has problem with outgoing channel)
please inform me about it.

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