In message <19991129230436.A6501@badmofo> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
: [badmofo@/home/matt] df -h
: Filesystem    Size   Used    Avail Capacity Mounted on
: /dev/wd0s1a   722M    20M   644M     3%     /
: /dev/wd0s2h   9.9G   4.4G   4.8G    48%     /usr
: procfs        4.0K   4.0K     0B   100%     /proc

Note, this uses the "traditional computer science SI extention"
units.  Where M == 1 << 20, G == 1 << 30, etc.  Disk drive
manufacturers use the real SI units where M == 10 ^ 6, G == 10 ^ 9,
etc.  There are new Si units for the old traditional CS SI units, but
I don't like them :-)

It also appears that this patch ignores blocksize, but maybe that's
something that I've missed somehow...


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