:Since I'm one of the existing FreeBSD people you're probably referring to
:here, let me remind you of the actual content:
:Dennis said the following:
:> The nightmare of instability of 3.x continues whilst the braintrust
:> flogs away at 4.x. Its really a damn shame. And why is 3.x so much
:> slower than 2.2.8?  Will 4.0 be slower yet?
:Note the apparently belligerent tone, including use of emotionally charged
:language and sudden change of topic. Now, when someone makes a wild,
:authoritative yet unsupported statement like this, I think it's only
:reasonable to ask for some evidence. If I sounded facetious when I said:

    He didn't say this until after the situation had started to degrade.

    Besides, he's right.  3.x has serious problems.  For a while I had
    good hopes for 4.x but so many things have been changed gratuitously
    (and not by me!) that I'm beginning to worry about 4.x as well.   I think
    the problem is that we split the tree too early and everyone moved to 
    developing on 4.x.

    In regards to the speed issue - some things are faster, some things are
    slower.  It depends on the subsystem.  The remark seems to be one of
    frustration rather then belligerence.  I would be frustrated too if I
    didn't have commit privs to fix the problems that effect me.  Fortunately
    I am a good programmer and can fix things :-).  But I've had to deal with
    a number of nightmare situations by commercial entities deploying FreeBSD 
    and at least three (including one very recently) where commercial entities 
    have refused to upgrade past 2.2.x due to perceived stability problems.

    Perhaps this time around we should not split out the 5.x tree until we've
    gotten past the 4.1 release.  It's something to think about.

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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