Brian Dean writes:
> No dropped packets, but definitely some occasional long delays before
> I get the echo.  However, I must concede, based on other respondants,
> that something else must be going on and I cannot necessarily
> attribute this to divert/firewall/natd.
> However, the above numbers don't really illustrate the long response
> times that I experience while typing at the shell prompt, or in elm.
> It's really frustrating.
> I have an external US Robotics Sportster modem and I can see the rx/tx
> leds which are both off during the times when there was a delay, so I
> can confirm that there was no other line-contention on my end.

Could be you have a noisy line and your modem error correction is
kicking in.  Try configuring your modem to disable error correction
and see if it changes things.

This is consistent with your rx/tx lights -- typically they only light
up when there's traffic on the serial line (not the telephone line).


Archie Cobbs   *   Whistle Communications, Inc.  *

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