> > On Sun, 05 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Conversely, you can achieve the same latency reduction by setting the
> latency timer to 16, without increasing your overheads there. (This isn't
> actually entirely true, as you may run into busmaster ping-pong with more
> than one in the system, but you'll get this with reduced DMA bursts as
> well.)

I should have summarised this by saying:  Correct use of the latency 
timer will shorten your DMA bursts for you when necessary, giving you the 
best of both worlds.  When it's safe to run a long burst, you will.  When 
you need to push a device off the bus, that will happen too.

And the obvious extension to the "worst case" calculation is that if you 
have N master devices each with a latency timer of X, your worst-case 
timing for CPU access to a device is (N * X) + (N * arb overhead), just 
in case that wasn't clear.

\\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
\\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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