On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> Many arguments about how we were holding up progress and that
> volunteers were going to start wandering off to other *BSD projects
> were raised, along with more dire predictions, and finally enough was
> enough and we set a date by which all the late committers should get
> their stuff in so that we could finally branch the sucker.  We did so
> and there was much rejoicing, at least up until now when various folks
> felt compelled to creatively reinterpret history and turn an
> "unconscionable delay" into a "precipitous rush to branch."

I said at the time that 3.0 wasn't ready, and so did Greg Lehey, IIRC.
It was he who said something to the effect that the so-called "beta
testing" was actually integration testing.

I didn't start recommending 3.x for production environments until after
3.2 came out and had taken enough pounding to give me some confidence in

I'm not blaming anyone, nor am I saying that I would have run things
better, but I *am* taking issue with the accusation of revisionism.

 Ben Rosengart

UNIX Systems Engineer, Skunk Group
StarMedia Network, Inc.

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