> Hi all,
> I have posted this email for [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I didn't got any answer.
> I am running FreeBSD 3.3 Release on one laptop Toshiba and as XServer the
> Accelerated X 5.0.2. I am curious about one fact. Everytime when I exit
> from XServer I 've got:
> > pid 8971 (Xaccel): trap 12 with interrupts disabled
> What it is about ?

The X server has turned off interrupts, and then generated a page fault 
(which may require interrupts to work before it can be completed).

It indicates a programming error by the Xig folks.

> Anyway on AccelX box it is said that FreeBSD OS is supported but only
> inside in box I have found that only 2.x are supported, according with
> members of FreeBSD project. Why ? Why not 3.x?

This is a persistent misunderstanding with Xig.  I haven't asked them 
recently what their side of the story is.  

As long as you have the 2.2 support libraries on your system, however, 
their server works fine under 2.2, 3.x and the upcoming 4.0 release.

> On the other hand using FreeBSD 3.3 on another box (Compaq Desktop, AMD
> K6-333, 80MBRAM; 4GB, Voodoo3 PCI 2000) I ran top and the SIZE of XF86_SVGA
> goes to 54MB and RSIZE the same.

Obviously, because it's using that much memory.

\\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
\\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime.             \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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