I picked up a nifty little D-Link DSS-5+ 5-port 10/100 switch today
    CompUSA had a 5-port network kit labeled 'DFE-910' which had the 
    DSS-5+ and two DFE-530TX+ NIC Cards ('rl' driver), plus cables, for $130.

    It appears to operate quite nicely.  I can run all 5 ports at
    100BaseTX speeds in full-duplex mode and it seems to take whatever
    I throw at it, though I didn't life test it so I don't know what
    it can actually handle.  It seems to have sufficient buffering to
    deal with fragmented NFS packets without losing anything so I'm happy.

    Prices have fallen a lot in the last year.  I'm happy to be able to 
    get rid of my HUBs, I was constantly having to deal with packet loss
    when running saturation tests and never able to figure out what 
    was causing it.

    Note that buy.com lists a 'DFE-910' kit for around $100, but their
    description of it is that it contains a hub rather then a switch.  I
    know what I got at CompUSA was a switch, not a hub, but I don't know
    what you'd get if you bought the DFE-910 part number from buy.com.

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