On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, Peter Wemm wrote:

> >     # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1200 ${name}${unit}135ds15
> >     # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}135ds15
> > 
> > 1. What is meanings of the name?  I cannot understand meanings of
> >    `96', `96ds15' and `135ds15'.
> Those are the SCO Unix/Xenix compatable names.  SCO (and SYSV/386) uses those
> instead of "fdN.1440" etc.
> 48 = 48 tracks per inch = 5.25" disk,
> 96 = 96 tracks per inch = 5.25" disk, 
> 135 = 135 tracks per inch = 3.5" disk

Eh?  I thought .1200 referred to 5.25" disk drives...

 Brian Fundakowski Feldman           \  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!  /
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