On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Willem Jan  Withagen wrote:

> I too agree with Doug. It is what causes me to ask this question.
> ;-) make -j 4 buildworld keeps me getting crashes. Even during
> making the temp-tools.
> Now I've already replaced the memory once: 4*16M out, in 4*32M,
> but the crashingis still there. I've even set the timing to it's
> lowest, but still no go.
> I could go out an buy more new parts, but this is one of the cases
> to get to know FreeBSD again a little better. Memory testing
> skills are a leftover from a previous life. Heck, i've even help
> design a state-machine to test embeded RAM on VLSI ;-)

The last time I had a problem like this, it was because I put a P54C
(Pentium-MMX) into a board only designed for the P53C (a.k.a standard
Pentium), so the core and I/O voltages were not quite correct.  I knew
this could be a problem, but I tried it anyway, and it worked
(mostly).  No amount of memory replacement or tweaking fixed the
occasional problem, even though that is exactly what the problem
looked like.  It worked fine 99.9% of the time, but at least once a
day it would crash hard.  When I popped in a regular old Pentium
processor that I knew the board could support, it worked flawlessly
for weeks.  When I put the Pentium-MMX into a newer board that
supported it, it worked flawlessly as well.

So, other than memory, you should check out both your motherboard and
CPU.  Try underclocking the CPU and see if that fixes your problems.

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