On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 02:14:51PM -0500, Christopher R. Bowman wrote:
> I apologize in advance if anyone feels this is in appropriate.  If
> you feel I need to be flamed please do it directly and not via the
> list.
> I have 2 books here that I wish to get rid of and since none of
> the local bookstores want them I will offer them here free of charge
> (I will pay shipping) to the person(s) who respond directly to me
> (and not the list) in 24 hours with the best explanation of how
> one or more will be put to good use.
> Hennesy and Patterson: Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach
I'm sure that this bloke was a lecturer of mine when I was at uni.

Josef Karthauser        FreeBSD: Take the red pill and we'll show you just how
Technical Manager       deep the rabbit hole goes. (http://www.uk.freebsd.org)

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