"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> Since everyone seems to be jumping up and down on this, I thought I'd
> just chime in with my two cents on the matter.
> None of that requires Lucent to be any more "open" than they currently
> are with the licensing of Eclipse and we really ought to be thanking
> them right now (instead of whining) for allowing us to take such an
> open and thorough look at their design strategies.

Thank you for an excellent summation, Jordan.  More to the point, our
license not only allows this but actively encourages it.  If you're upset
by this, perhaps some introspection is required.  You may find that your
gut-level reaction of "Hey, they took something and aren't giving back"
is followed up by "Yeah, that's kind of the point," in which case you GET
it.  If not, you may be in the wrong project, we're thankful for your 
help so far, and wish you well.

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           http://softweyr.com/

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