ps al on my system shows multiple nfsrcv hangs on processes such as df, ls
and umount.  Without any other characteristic problems, the nfs server
machine's exports all seemed to be working correctly.  However, *one* and
only one of the mounts somehow went south.  'mount' on the client machine

# mount | grep on /f/usr on /f/devel on bigfs

That's verbatim... The mount was NOT done on bigfs... It was in fact done
on /f/bigfs.  "We have secretly switched this SysAdmin's mountpoint with
Foldger's crystals.  Think he'll taste the difference?" It appears to be
the cause of the hangs I mentioned.  One such hang was one that I just
created by issuing umount -f bigfs.

The client nfs mounts are mounted intr, yet I still can't send a TERM or
KILL that these processes will catch.

# grep bigfs /etc/fstab         /f/bigfs        nfs     rw,bg,intr      2       2

The client is a 3.2-RELEASE system.  Server is 3.4-STABLE as of about 12
days ago.

It looks like reboots are in order... But, these are production machines!  
This is certainly annoying...!  I thought the intr option was supposed to
help with hung nfs procs.  Is there anything else I can try in my current
situation?  Any better ways to prevent this sort of thing (besides running
SunOS?)  Or is it PR time?

# uptime
 1:46AM  up 118 days 1:14, 12 users, load averages: 2.36, 2.34, 2.21

As you see, I haven't had any longevity problems up until now..

Has anything been built into -CURRENT to address these hangs?  It has
plagued many in the past, and continues to do so.

  Yours truly,
- Frustrated :-)

  Ryan Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Systems Administrator, Accounts
  Phone: +1 (306) 664-1161

  SaskNow Technologies
  #106-380 3120 8th St E   Saskatoon, SK  S7H 0W2

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