The story so far:

Recompiled the kernel with

    controller      scbus0          # SCSI bus (required)
    device          da0             # Direct Access (disks)
    device          sa0             # Sequential Access (tape etc)
    device          cd0             # CD

    controller      scbus1
    device          cd1
    device          pass0

Installed the scanner on the second SCSI channel

    Feb 27 15:27:09 foobar/kernel: pass4: <Nikon COOLSCANIII 1.31>
Removable Scanner SCSI-2 device
    Feb 27 15:27:09 foobar/kernel: pass4: 3.300MB/s transfers

build device node:

bash#cd /dev
bash#./MAKEDEV pass4

Built sane, xsane, gimp from the ports.

The config file for the coolscan /usr/local/etc/sane.d/coolscan.conf

    scsi Nikon * Scanner

Added the path:


And the /dev/pass4 device has the following permissions

    crw-------  1 root  operator   31,   4 Feb 27 14:17 /dev/pass4

Execute scanimage:

    bash#scanimage -d coolscan:/dev/pass4
    scanimage: open of device coolscan:/dev/pass4 failed: Invalid

Any ideas?  I find the device node permissions suspect, but I don't know
what they should be "crw_rw_rw_" prehaps?



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