On 18-Feb-00 Darryl Okahata wrote:
> "Jordan K. Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've used all kinds of software memory checkers, from "CheckIt" to
>> highly proprietary packages that cost even more money, and the only
>> thing they managed to convince me of is that swapping in known-good
>> memory is the best and fastest way out of these situations.  Unless
>      I'll second this.  I've had memory problems in the past, and every
> memory checker I used said that the memory was good.  Only by swapping
> out the bad memory (I don't have access to an hardware memory checker)
> was I able to fix my problems.
> --
>       Darryl Okahata

 Every "good" software based memory tester I have ever used took so long to
tell me anything I could have gone to the store, bought more memory, and
swapped it before it was done.

 I don't think adding it to the ports tree would be bad for those who are
desperate, but deffinatly list it as a "basic" memory tester.


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