> We're having a problem where very very rarely we get a segfault on exec of
> something, and I finally caught it:

Here's a better backtrace, sorry. :)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x2813862d in vfprintf () from /usr/lib/libc.so.3
(gdb) bt
#0  0x2813862d in vfprintf () from /usr/lib/libc.so.3
#1  0x80759d1 in memLog (format=0x8096bcf "Memory system started\n")
    at mem.cpp:94
#2  0x8075c80 in memInit () at mem.cpp:186
#3  0x8075cd7 in memAlloc (size=20, 
    function=0x80967c3 "enum mpn_error_t mpnArray_Create(void **, int, int)", 
    file=0x80967bb "array.c", line=64) at mem.cpp:208
#4  0x8075031 in __mpnMem_Alloc__FPPvUiPCcT2Ui (pptr=0xbfbfdc1c, size=20, 
    func=0x80967c3 "enum mpn_error_t mpnArray_Create(void **, int, int)", 
    file=0x80967bb "array.c", line=64) at memory.c:118
#5  0x8072db3 in mpnArray_Create__FPPvii (array=0x809a260, chunkSize=4, 
    stepSize=16) at array.c:64
#6  0x806d3fa in DBGenericTable::init (this=0x809a258, stepsize=16)
    at dbtable.cpp:128
#7  0x806d076 in DBGenericTable::DBGenericTable (this=0x809a258)
    at dbtable.cpp:13
#8  0x806de75 in DBTable<TourDef>::DBTable (this=0x809a258) at mpnda.h:143
#9  0x806d019 in TourTable::TourTable (this=0x809a258) at mpnda.h:208
#10 0x806d005 in global constructors keyed to TournamentList ()
    at TourTable.cpp:13
#11 0x804a6bc in _start ()
#12 0x8049de1 in _init ()


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