root wrote:
> "Pedro F. Giffuni" wrote:
> >
> > FWIW,
> >
> > I downloaded the BSDI 4.1 Release notes and I was surprised by the
> > quality of the document. It goes through the basics of installing and
> > configuring BSDI.
> It is nice. I use it in our webhosting servers. Hi-Performance in my
> book.
> >
> > I think the priority will be getting BSDI binaries running on FreeBSD,
> > so I would expect:
> >
> > -New tools to complement binutils (they also use egcs), no idea if the
> > use that nasty ldconfig.
> > -Many changes to libc.
> > -Native ports of their packaging tools.
> > -Ability to mount their disks?
> >
> > Any idea if BSDI has a unified VM? They carry ISODE and several
> > unsupported goodies like LFS, the OSI stack, X25... Their floppy driver
> > also supports 2.8 M floppies, which I recall don't work on FreeBSD.
> >
> > Towards the future I would expect:
> > -More SMP stuff (and more threading)
> > -New Platforms: SPARC, PowerPC, StrongARM.
> > -Clustering: probably MOSIX.
> >
> > I am not sure if BSDI has a Motif source license, but this is something
> > I would prefer to buy from them in a future. In fact, now that there is
> > a big company to deal with, I would expect many more commercial products
> > available.
> Same here. I still prefer Motif.
> How about Java support? Sun is releasing some nice tools to OpenSource
> like Forge, etc. At one point I found FreeBSD
> better suited than Linux for java development but that has
> changed with 1.2's release. Too bad we couldn't conjur up some more
> interest here. Sun uses it in some cool ways. No reason we couldn't. The
> new generation of Java apps are starting to look
> and run pretty good.
> >
> > I really don't see what can be negative in this merger (in fact that
> > discussion is finally dying in -chat so please redirect new arguments
> > there :). IMHO, BSDI will probably end up being a FreeBSD with POSIX and
> > C2 certifications, and excellent support...I'm sure big companies like
> > Yahoo wouldn't care to pay some bucks for the extra support.
> >
> Future looks bright indeed! I was so preoccupied listening to everyone
> bitching I forgot about all the nice things to come.
> > (And  BTW. if people are really worried about drivers perhaps it's time
> > for them to really look at the UDI project.)
> >

If anyone's interested RealPlayer7 just came out today. It's works 
excellent under Linux Emulation. Includes most of the features of the
Win/Mac versions and has a working plugin. I just installed it under
(ahem!)5.0-current with Netscape-4.72. I know some of you 
will scoff(at linux emulation) but hey It's cool. All work and no

Ted Sikora
Jtl Development Group 

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