Ron 'The InSaNe One' Rosson wrote:
> Ummm.... This is getting a little old. I am no programmer but read this
> list to get insight on what things may not work or what might work.. It
> has saved my BACKSIDE many times. I am also a user of ETinc hardware and
> am aware of Dennis. I am also like I said someone who does not code. So
> go FIX IT yourself attitude gets kinda old. It happens on #FreeBSD on
> efnet all too much.

So you agree that you and Dennis have some legal and/or moral ground to
stand on in DEMANDING that I and others donate our own personal time to
you for free, simply because you're incapable of fixing something your-

This argument has NOT been about whether the fxp driver needs to be fixed,
but rather whether Dennis or anyone can DEMAND time from FreeBSD developers
as opposed to asking them politely or proposing some remuneration so they
can afford to dedicate time to an individual problem.

I think my stance on this is pretty clear, but just in case you haven't
gotten the message, those of you who think you have some RIGHT to DEMAND
my time can stuff it.

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 

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