David O'Brien writes :
> Access to ftp.internat.freebsd.org from the USA (and presumably
> elsewhere) is an abomination.  Isn't there *anyone* with an permanate FTP
> server that could officially mirror the crypto bits from
> ftp.internat.freebsd.org?
Part of the reason for the poor access is that we are suffering from
late delivery of circuits on the part of AT&T (some of the circuits have
been outstanding since 15 November).  - The site is located on one of
our customers' premises.  Of course, latency across satellite circuits
also does not help.  A further problem is apparent congestion on the
customer's access crcuit to us - they really seem to be nailing their
Internet access. (I'm seeing 600ms ping times across the access circuit.)
Thus, a small modicum of improvement may be achieved
if we were to mirror the site on ftp.is.co.za.  This should be possible
when we upgrade our ftp server (sometime this month).  I can check with
the administrator of our ftp site, whether he will be able to do the 
mirror.  Only problem is that the directory structures will need to
differ, as we are already ftp4.za.freebsd.org.

For anyone from across the pond trying to access the site, your best
mileage will probably be between 1900 and 0600 GMT, when most of our
clients are asleep.


Geoff Rehmet,
The Internet Solution
tel: +27-83-292-5800

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