Nik Clayton wrote:
> Does FreeBSD support hardware crypto?

It does.

> There'll shortly be a story on /. about OpenBSD's hardware crypto support,
> in the form of the HiFn 7751 chip.  OpenBSD recommend buying them from
> If you go there you'll see that FreeBSD support is listed, but there are
> no details.
> If FreeBSD's got support for this card (even if it's through third party
> drivers) I'll recast the story so it's more of a "BSD supports hardware
> crypto", rather than being solely OpenBSD.  But if OpenBSD have it first
> they get the honours :-)
> If you're using this (or any other) card for hardware crypto, can you drop
> me a line?  If you can include real-world performance details as well that'd
> be great.

I once wrote a driver for a cryptography card for FreeBSD. The hardware
was a brazilian one, and the driver was/is being used with a commercial
firewall product that is available for a number of platforms, including

I wouldn't be the least surprised if other crypto hardware had drivers
available for FreeBSD. Frankly, I see nothing special in the above. It
sure didn't took me very long to write the driver.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        GPL certainly doesn't meet Janis Joplin's definition of freedom:
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose."

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