On Thu, 27 Apr 2000 12:02:14 -0700, "Jordan K. Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Jordan> Mount the kern floppy on another FreeBSD box and do some
Jordan> surgery on it along the following lines:

Jordan> mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
Jordon> rm /mnt/boot.config
Jordon> umount /mnt

Jordan> That should keep the -P flag out of your boot line and ensure
Jordan> that the keyboard is properly detected.  I think our use of -P
Jordan> was over-eager since there are motherboards which don't play
Jordan> nice with it, like this one.

Just tried it, and as expected it didn't do the "-P" thing this
time. Unfortunately: no joy  -- same exact register dump. :-(

It doesn't seem to be the keyboard finding problem others have written
about (with NumLock hack workarounds) since the scan found the
keyboard originally (keyboard: yes).

Other suggestions welcome. Thanks.

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