On Sun, 7 May 2000, Alkis Evlogimenos wrote:

> I was wondering if this book is far too off the current state of
> FreeBSD.  Are there fundamental differences between the design of 4.4BSD
> and FreeBSD?

There are some pretty large differences.  The VM has changed.  Drivers
have changed.

> Can you also recommend any other books describing the internals of the
> FreeBSD OS which are a closer match than the above?

Nope.  It's still the best ref.  Ask me again in 9 months, maybe there'll
be a different answer, because another one is in the works (I think David
Greenman is one of the authors of a new one) but reading that book will
help a whole lot, it's very definitely not a waste of time.

> Thanks.

Chuck Robey            | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | electronics, communications, and signal processing.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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