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Here's a Slashdot article about Debian/FreeBSD. It has links and a LOT of
angry comments :).


        -- Dan Feldman
           Hacker, webmaster and computer connoisseur
           Out of sight, out of mind, out of hand.

On Tue, 23 May 2000, Mohit Aron wrote:

> > 
> > First of all, FreeBSD's kernel can use both the Linux and FreeBSD
> > interfaces at once. Although it might be possible to remove the FreeBSD
> > interfaces, then all you have are the Linux ones - it sounds like a loss
> > in functionality to me. Second, the Linux emulator is actually extremely
> > good - even very complex threaded programs work perfectly. Problems do
> > exist, but these are mostly in the /dev tree and drivers, not in the call
> > interface. Sound, video framebuffers, and SVGAlib all work, but only
> > barely. Thus I think the only advantage would be that FreeBSD userspace
> > apps could use glibc, which is nice, but would break the copyrights on
> > both trees :).
> > 
> Also, package installs are rather troublesome (unless you install from 
> FreeBSD ports). By default any libraries tend to be installed in /usr/lib
> whereas they should go in /compat/linux/usr/lib and so on. Its hard to 
> get Linux binary packages from the Internet to install easily on FreeBSD.
> > If you're really interested in this kind of OS hybridism, why not use the
> > GNU/FreeBSD system put out by Debian a while back?
> > 
> Yes, that'll be perfect for me (and for so many other users wanting to use
> FreeBSD on their desktop). I looked at Debian's webpages - couldn't find
> the GNU/FreeBSD system. However, I'll take a closer look. Thanks,
> - Mohit
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