On Thu, 18 May 2000 10:35:11 -0700, Arun Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:04:52PM +0400, Aleksandr A.Babaylov wrote:
>> Arun Sharma writes:
>> > Is there any reason why FreeBSD doesn't store file creation times on
>> > the disk (apart from historical reasons) ?

To put it another way, why _should_ FreeBSD store a file creation time?

>> in adddition to atime, ctime and mtime?
>struct timespec st_atimespec;  /* time of last access */
>struct timespec st_mtimespec;  /* time of last data modification */
>struct timespec st_ctimespec;  /* time of last file status change */ 
>None of them tell me when the file was created.

That's all Unix has ever offered (both the original AT&T FS and
FFS/UFS).  If you really need a file creation time, you'll need a
different filesystem.


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