A G F Keahan wrote:
> Which does not necessarily make it bad, of course, it's just nice to
> separate things out.   Many UNIX applications use similar formats;  you
> don't have to go very far to find an example -- look at e.g.
> /etc/defaults/rc.conf, which has distinct sections separated by comments
> like this one:
> ##############################################################
> ###  Important initial Boot-time options  ####################
> ##############################################################
> I'll say it again -- I'm not specifically after a Windows-style config
> file parser, just any similar type thing.

You can find libconf on http://people.freebsd.org/~dcs/, which will
parse rc.conf-style files. At one point it was my intention importing it
intou our tree, but I was dissuaded by my senpai, who said do it right
or don't do it at all (even though it was done already :).

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

                "Sentience hurts."

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