On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Tony Finch wrote:

> A few months ago someone posted a script that summarizes make
> buildworld as it progresses. I've searched the ports and the mailing
> lists but I can't find it any more :-( so I'd be grateful if someone
> would tell me. Thanks.
> Tony.
> -- 
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I think you are referring to the attached Perl script by Bill Fenner.

- Matt

Matt Loschert                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer                       voice (703) 847-1381
ServInt Internet Services               fax   (703) 847-1383

# whereintheworld
# Parses "make world" output and summarize where it's been so far.
# Bill Fenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11 January 2000
# $Id: whereintheworld,v 1.2 2000/01/11 21:18:37 fenner Exp $
use strict;

my $lastarrow = undef;
my $inside = 0;
my @lines = ();
my $thresh = 5;
my $lastwasdash = 0;
my $file = $ARGV[0] || (-f "/usr/src/world.out" ? "/usr/src/world.out" : "-");
open(LOG, $file) || die "$file: $!\n";
while (<LOG>) {
        if (/^------------/) {
                $inside = !$inside;
                print unless ($lastwasdash);
                $lastwasdash = 1;
        if ($inside && /^>>>/) {
                $lastwasdash = 0;
        push(@lines, $_);
        if ($#lines > $thresh) {
                my $line = shift(@lines);
                $lastarrow = $line if ($line =~ /^===>/);
exit if ($lastwasdash);
if ($lines[0] !~ /^===>/ && $lastarrow) {
        print $lastarrow, "...\n";
print @lines;

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