So I find myself playing more and more with KDE, and more and more
enjoying the nifty little hacks it does.  But, most of the hacks depend on
shlibs, including the requisite libtool horrors.  Anyhow, one of the more
"useful" features involves "pre-loading" a shared lib to replace a few X
functions, so that once an application starts, you get an icon in the task
bar that spins until the application maps its first window.  Their other
hack is for loading various applications contained in shared lib form, and
involves setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

This works great if you're using your average ELF binary.  However, if
you're like me and still somewhat attached to the idea of using Navigator
which is an a.out binary (perhaps the only one I still have left), you're
SOL as the variables tweak the a.out RTLD too.  This perhaps doesn't sound
too bad, until one realizes that the said shlib objets are ELF, and the
a.out rtld doesn't grok any of them, meaning that one has to fire up an
xterm, unset the said variables to start netscape.

My question is this: is there any way to make the a.out rtld ignore these

'Course after I figured this out, I realized I should have just used
konqueror, and well I did (damn it's gonna give mozilla a run for its
money... SSL equiped too).

- alex

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