At 11:54 PM 8/6/00 -0700, Mike Smith wrote:
>> With 1800 interfaces in the system Freebsd seems to use about 50Mhz of cpu
>> when idle in "interrupts" even when there are no interrupts to process. on
>> a 500Mhz box it uses 10% of the cpu and it seems linear with different
>> speed processors.
>> the 1800 interfaces are 900 DLCIs on a T3 frame with 900 bridge groups
>> (rather common for a DSL delivered via Frame). This with just one
>> line...the same problem could occur with say 8 T1 lines with 100+ DLCIs on
>> each.
>> It seems that there is substantial overhead just scanning interfaces for
>> some routine there any hope of alleviating this deboggle?
>Probably.  Without some idea of what's actually happening, though, it's a 
>little hard to point a finger and say "look here".
>A profiling dump of the system when idle would be very illuminating, as 
>it'd give you a good idea of what's actually going on to use so much CPU

How do I do this in 4.1? I have a test bed set up that demonstrates the


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