I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.  I've been to your website, I've
logged in under deja.news and posted questions, I've emailed several people,
and my Dad even called the BSD 800 number for me and paid a fee to find out
that all my questions are too advanced for their services.  The
representative at the 800 number told my Dad that my only hope was to send
this email to you.

I am researching OS's and chose FreeBSD because it was open source.  I know
nothing about OS's.  I thought open source would mean that I could review
the documentation and find all my answers.  However, open source means
nothing to me because I reviewed the documentation, and it doesn't help me
out because I know no terms good enough to understand the documentation. 
I've been doing this now for 4 weeks...what is sad is that I need answers to
these questions in 2 weeks.  I have a highschool paper that is due in 3
weeks, and the teacher is unable to help me out...my Dad doesn't have the
knowledge...so, as you can tell by now, I suck at getting this paper
completed in time.

I am very green on this, so please keep this in mind if you are able to
answer the questions below.  I understand that there might be a fee for
this....if so, please let me know.

Again, you are my only hope.  I thank you VERY much

With most SINCERE thanks!
David Igo
1.  How does this OS manage process scheduling, interprocess communication,
process synchronization, and of handling deadlocks.

2.  How does the OS manage main memory and does it manage secondary storage
to back up main memory.  I need on algorithm and one structure to show this
management...along with how they relate to the management.

3.  I need the key characteristics of the OS supporting file structures and
access methods in regards to types of access methods, directory structures,
data protection, and file consistency.

4.  How does the OS control peripheral devices and the input/output need for
applications regarding input/output design, interfaces, internal system

5.  how does the OS provide for a collection of processors including:
  a.  processors that do not share a memory
  b.  processor that do not share a clock
  c.  storage devices dispersed among various sites
  d.  distributed file system
  e.  process synchoronization
  f.  process communication
  g.  failures recovery

6.  And finally, how does the OS ensure the protection and security of
files, memory, segments, and CPU for data and code in the following
  a.  Unauthorized access
  b.  mailicious destruction,
  c.  alteration
  d.  accidental introduction of inconsistency


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