Bill Fumerola wrote:
>How often do I see a author make a program and release _one_  FreeBSD
>binary and about 5 different binaries depending on what linux libc format
>you have.

On a related note, I don't know if people use xanim, a movie viewer in
the ports collection, but it's recently been upgraded to support
dynamically loadable codecs.  The problem is that none of the codecs
are compiled for FreeBSD, although there are three Linux versions :-).
To use them (really to use the program at all) you have to compile a
Linux version of xanim and run under emulation (which works really well, thanks
emulation guys!).

Yes, I've tried using the Linux codecs on the FreeBSD binary.  No dice. 

The author is perfectly willing to compile these codecs for FreeBSD,
but because he's under NDA for the codecs he can only release compiled
versions.  He's only willing to compile versions for other OSes under
Linux (i.e. compile the codecs for FreeBSD on his Linux machine) or on
a donated machine.  (His reasoning for this, which IMHO is rational,
is on http://xanim.va.pubnix.com/xa_dlls.html )

Given that he's running Linux, is a "cross-compiling environment" any
more complex than having him link against our libc?  If not can
someone give me an idea what he does need.

I'm delighted to act as a contact point and a tester for the xanim
author, but I just don't know enough about our link environment.

Anyone want to enlighten me?  (I tried this on multimedia, and got no

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ted Faber                                                fa...@isi.edu
USC/ISI Computer Scientist                   http://www.isi.edu/~faber
(310) 822-1511 x190      PGP Key: http://www.isi.edu/~faber/pubkey.asc

Version: 2.6.2


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