On Fri, 21 May 1999, Mike Smith wrote:

> > 
> > I really do not know how to describe the problem. But a friend here asks
> > me how to mmap a network buffer so that there is no need to copy the data
> > from user space to kernel space. We are not sure whether FreeBSD can
> > create a device file (mknod) for a network card, and if so, we can use the
> > mmap() call to do so because mmap() requires a file descriptor.  We assume
> > that the file descriptor can be acquired by opening the network device.
> > If this is infeasible, is there another way to accomplish the same goal?
> Use sendfile() for zero-copy file transmission; in all other cases it's 
> necessary to copy data into the kernel.  Memory-mapping a network 
> buffer makes no sense if you just think about it for a moment...
> There's also very little need for this under "real" circumstances; some 
> simple tests have demonstrated we can sustain about 800Mbps throughput 
> (UDP), and the bottleneck here seems to be checksum calculations, not 
> copyin/out.

Oddly enough, I was just getting ready to implement something like this. 
Not because of copyin performance issues, but because async io for sockets
could be done better if I didn't have to do a copyin.  copyin has to have
curproc==(proc with the buffer from which to copy) which means that I have
to do a context switch for every socket buffer sized chunk (best case) or
every io op (worst case). In my testing, I've been doing 3000 context
switches/second just in verification of a simple configuration--real load
will be 20-100x what current load is, and I'm not sure that 60,000-300,000
context switches/sec is desirable. 

My hope was to map the user's buffer into kernel space so that I could do
event driven io on the socket without having to context switch to an aiod
for every io operation.  Is this really a bad idea?  I am a little
concerned about running out of kernel address space, but I don't think
that's an immediate problem.

Such an implementation would lend itself to doing zero-copy writes async
writes with some frobbing of the send routines.  It would also bypass some
of the messing around done to do socket buffers--that is, there would not
be a limit per se on socket buffering for writes since they would be
mapped user space.   One might want to put arbitrary limits in place to
ensure that an unreasonable amount of memory isn't locked.



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