Hello there...

I have an application where I require access to an LM78 "health monitor"
chip on a certain type of industrial PC motherboard we use. Unfortunately,
the LM78 is tied to ISA and not I2C/SMBus.

Can anyone recommend a good framework to start writing a driver for this
beastie? I've never actually written a driver before (*gulp*), so please
treat me gently ;-)

In essense, the chip sits at 0x290 with an address line at 0x290+5 and a
data line at 0x290+6. I'd be happy writing a program that merely peeks and
pokes in that address area, rather than a fully-fledged driver...



Marc Nicholas
netSTOR Technologies, Inc. http://www.netstor.com
1.877.464.4776 416.979.9000 fax: 416.979.8223 cell: 416.346.9255

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