Hello all,

I am new to FreeBSD and have been instructed to keep my ports up to date
using CVSup. I have carefully studied the Handbook page on how to setup the
process and have checked out the CVSup web site; however, I am having a bit
of a problem. When I attempt to start CVSup I get an error stating that the
supfile I created is empty. I am almost positive the syntax of my supfile is
correct as I set it up much the same as the example files. I have tried
running CVSup as both root and regular users but no luck.

Here are the details of the error:

homer# cvsup -L 2 npcvsupfile
Parsing supfile "npcvsupfile"
Empty supfile

Here is the contents of the supfile:

*default host=cvsup.ca.FreeBSD.org
*default prefix=/usr
*default base=/usr/local/etc/cvsup
*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix
*default tag=.

I am using FreeBSD 3.1-STABLE. I have also installed Modula-3-lib-3.6 as the
CVSup page of the handbook instructed.

Any ideas on what might be wrong would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Lush

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