On Sat, May 29, 1999 at 12:03:54AM -0500, Joel Ray Holveck wrote:
> How do people like to set up their filesystems these days?  I've heard
> of people who like one big fs (not generally usable anymore because of
> the 1024 cyl limit), others who like the small root fs and one big fs
> for everything else, and some who like separate fs's for different
> things.  All other things (disk speed, etc) being equal, what's this
> groups' opinion?

Depends on the disk size.  

My FreeBSD box has 2 disks at the moment, 1 x 2GB and 1 x 4GB.  They're
set up as follows (da0 = 2GB, da1 = 4GB)

   da0s1a      /             50MB
   da0s1e      /var          50MB
   da0s1f      /usr         200MB
   da0s1g      /local/0    1700MB
   da1s1a      /local/1    4000MB

/local/* is my mount point for disks in general.  The first disk is a 
special case, as it has three 'special' filesystems on it (/, /var, /usr).
I sized these based on general expectations on what the box would be doing,
and in the knowledge that they would be fairly static.

A look in /var shows;

    tmp@ -> /local/1/var/tmp

A look in /usr shows;

    X11R6@ -> /local/0/usr/X11R6
    local -> /local/1/usr/local
    obj -> /local/1/usr/obj
    ports -> /local/0/usr/ports
    src -> /local/0/usr/src

A look in /home shows;

    ncvs -> /local/1/home/ncvs
    nik -> /local/1/home/nik
    operator -> /local/1/home/operator

These are all directories that are going to grow in size over the lifetime
of the box.  So making them filesystems in the BSD sense is foolish, as you
end up having to either resize the filesystems (which is a pain) or start
symlinking between two or more filesystems.

This approach makes it very easy to put different directory trees on 
different disks -- when I had one disk, /usr/src and /usr/obj were on the
same disk, putting one of them on to the second disk was a snap.

It's also pretty easy to automate.  A script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d runs

This is a slightly simplified version of an approach used at my current
employer, where they have systems that often have 15 or more disks attached.
And instead of using symlinks they use AMD to NFS mount the directories 
in the right place.  But the basic principle is the same, and it scales
very well.

                       The trial continues tomorrow.

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