On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 07:49:24PM -0700, Bill Huey wrote:

> The Linux way of doing things isn't terribly different than any other
> Unix based OS out there. I don't really understand this wierd anti-Linix
> stuff from the FreeBSD folks.

Context.  When people complain about Linux users expecting everything
to work like Linux, then it's usually safe to assume that the behavior
in question *does* vary between Linux and other Unix systems, or at
lease Linux and FreeBSD.

If a Linux user expects ls(1) to list files, that's cool.  If he
expects ls(1) to have pretty colors, that's not.

If a Linux user expects to be able to configure his kernel, that's
cool.  If he expects it to work the same way as Linux, 
interrogation-style, that's not.

If a Linux user expects to be able to use bash as his shell, that's
cool.  If he thinks something's wrong when /bin/bash isn't present on
a fresh system, that's not.

If a Linux user expects to see his routes, that's cool.  If he
expects to use route(8) instead of netstat(1), that's not.

In other words, it's when people want every kind of Unix to behave
just like Linux that the hollering begins.

Matthew Hunt <m...@astro.caltech.edu> * Inertia is a property
http://www.pobox.com/~mph/           * of matter.

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