As Zhihui Zhang wrote ...
> The value of MAXPHYS is chosen to be 64K for the maximum raw I/O transfer
> size. I am wondering why it is not set larger.  The maxcontig value of FFS
> is default to be 16, which means 16*8192 or 128K bytes (twice as big as
> 64K) . If we raise the value of MAXPHYS, we can put more data blocks of a
> big file contiguously on the disk (perhaps even more than 16 blocks to
> achieve better performance). Am I right? Is there any limit of the value

The 64kB limit is a limitation of older SCSI cards. My primary objective
to have a > 64kB MAXPHYS is to have larger blocksizes on tape. Especially
DLT drives love that ;-)

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