On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Junichi Satoh wrote:

> Hmm...
> I have an ATAPI ZIP drive:
> ========================================================================
> wdc0: unit 1 (atapi): <IOMEGA  ZIP 100       ATAPI/23.D>, removable, intr, 
> iordis
> wfd1: medium type unknown (no disk)
> wfd1: buggy Zip drive, 64-block transfer limit set
> ========================================================================
> It does not work with your patch. It's a buggy drive.
> Probably, using only strcmp() is not enough.
> We shoud distinguish buggy or not using revision number.
> #I don't know how many revisions are available. :-)
> ---
> Junichi Satoh juni...@junichi.org
>               juni...@jp.freebsd.org

12.A, 21.*, and 23.* are known to be buggy...13.A doesn't appear to be.
Since the current method of sorting out the revisions doesn't seem to 
be perfect, would it be acceptible to consider them all buggy unless known
not to be (i.e. compare ap->revision instead of ap->model)?

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