Matthew Dillon <> writes:
> :>    A permanent vnode locking fix is many months away because core
> :>    decided to ask Kirk to fix it, which was news to me at the time.
> :>    However, I agree with the idea of having Kirk fix VNode locking.
> :
> :   Actually, core did no such thing. Kirk told me a month or so ago that he
> :intended to fix the vnode locking. Not that this is particularly important,
> :but people shouldn't get the idea that Kirk's involvement had anything to
> :do with core since it did not.
>     Let me put it this way:  You didn't bother to inform anyone else who
>     might have reason to be interested until it came up as an offhand
>     comment at USENIX.  Perhaps you should consider not keeping such important
>     events to yourself, eh?  Frankly, I am rather miffed -- if I had known
>     that Kirk had expressed an interest a month ago I would have been able
>     to pool our interests earlier.  Instead I've been working in a vacuum
>     for a month because I didn't know that someone else was considering trying
>     to solve the problem.   This does not fill me with rosy feelings.

Eivind Eklund has also been working on this. It is my understanding
that he has a working Perl version of, and is about
halfway through adding invariants to the locking code to track down
locking errors. He stopped working on it about a month or two ago for
lack of time; I seem to recall that he had managed to get the kernel
to boot and was working on panics (from violated invariants) which
occurred during fsck.

Dag-Erling Smorgrav -

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