I don't seem to be able to get 3.2 to do a SL/IP
install (this is for a laptop which seems to be
having PAO problems...)

Turning on DEBUG in the install options, I can watch
it nicely execute:

 ifconfig sl0 inet netmask

but - not matter what - that always seems to fail with:

 ifconfig: ioctl(SIOCAIFADDR): File exists

does anyone have a clue why the ioctl for the sl0
ifconfig would fail?  (Perhaps the sl psuedo-device
is missing from the kernel?)  [I'm guessin the
'File exists' is left-over stuff in errno, as the
ioctl(SIOCAIFADDR) message seems to be the result
of perror().]

          - Thanks -
        - Dave Rivers -

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