bush doctor wrote:
> Once morpheus_...@depechemode.com aka (morpheus_...@depechemode.com) said:
> > Yesterday I was able to mount my CD-ROM just fine. Today after
> > a lot of kernel hacking I am not. I am fairly new at this so
> > this may be a really easy answer.
> > I have an entry in the "fstab" file that references my cdrom
> > /dev/wcd0c   /cdrom    ro, noauto   0  0
> > but when I goto "mount /cdrom" I get an error that says
> > "/dev/wcd0c: Device not configured"
> >
> >
> > Any ideas as to what I am doing or have done wrong here
> No ideas as to what you're doing :-)
> However,
> Check your kernel config file and make sure you have the following
> device          wcd0            #IDE CD-ROM

I see an "acd0" device line in my 3.2 GENERICS config file.

Could someone please explain the diffrence
between wcd0 and acd0 devices?

What has changed?

        Thanks in advance.

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