On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 07:58:58 MST, Doug wrote:

>       When exactly was it made the default? Prior to 3.2-Release, or after?

>       It's never (ok, rarely) too late to undo a bad decision. If the change
> happened after the latest -Release, by all means, back it out.

Cvsweb says it happened _before_ 3.2-RELEASE. That's why I plan to leave
wrapping turned on by default and providing command-line options for
turning it off.

If I had a solid support on a decision to reverse the behaviour
exhibited in 3.2-RELEASE, I'd do it. :-)

>       It would be more traditionally unix-like to have a flag for wrapping a
> service (on by default, or not, see above) and a flag for not wrapping. For
> instance I could start inetd with the -w flag to wrap all services, and
> then disable one service with a -d for don't wrap, and vv. 

I agree that -w for "enable wrapping" would be preferable. I don't agree
that an exception option would be cool at all, so that's not something
I'll be doing myself.

Nevertheless, my understanding of "the FreeBSD way" leads me to believe
that it's a bad idea to reverse the behaviour established for a stable
release without solid support.


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