[redirecting to -hackers]

On Monday, 12 July 1999 at 12:44:18 +1000, Anthony Wyatt wrote:
> Hi,
>    I really don't know where to post this message, so if there is a better
> place please let me know.

Well, to quote the frequent posting to this newsgroup,

     If the question is of a general nature, ...  ask
     FreeBSD-questions.  Examples might be questions about installing
     FreeBSD or the use of a particular UNIX utility.

     If the question relates to enhancements to FreeBSD, and you can
     make suggestions about how to implement them, then send the
     message to FreeBSD-hackers.

     If the question is of particularly technical nature, such as
     implementation details or suggestions for improvements, then send
     the message to FreeBSD-hackers.

I think this qualifies as one of the last two, so -hackers is the place.

>   I want to write a driver for my video card, not for X, for my own home
> grown app :-)
>   I've just read Chap 5 of the Magic Garden Explained (SysVR4 Internals) so
> I have some idea whats expected when writing a device driver.  

As you say, the Magic Garden is for System V.  BSD is a little
different, though not too much.

> I've also read the technical programming doco for my video card.
> The big hole in my plan is PCI.  I don't know how to talk to my
> video card on the PCI bus :-(
>   So I guess my questions are:
>       Should I try and find out more about basic driver programming,
> specifically freeBSD, 


> and if so where?

UTSL.  And -hackers.  There's some stuff in section 9 of the manual,
but it's not quite the level of completeness you'd find in the ddi/ddk

>       Where can I find out about programming PCI devices?

UTSL.  And -hackers.  In particular, the PCI drivers are in

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