On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Warner Losh wrote:

> In message <pine.bsf.4.10.9908070248001.11809-100...@janus.syracuse.net> 
> "Brian F. Feldman" writes:
> : Sorry, kinda used to quad rather than long long. I'm pretty sure ll
> : isn't yet supported by the kernel printf functions...
> You may be right about that.

The simple solution to this, which I'd like to see, is:
--- subr_prf.c.orig     Sat Aug  7 14:52:55 1999
+++ subr_prf.c  Sat Aug  7 15:03:19 1999
@@ -599,7 +599,11 @@
                        base = 10;
                        goto number;
                case 'l':
-                       lflag = 1;
+                       if (lflag) {
+                               lflag = 0;
+                               qflag = 1;
+                       } else
+                               lflag = 1;
                        goto reswitch;
                case 'o':
                        if (qflag)

And yes, a quadword is defined by us as being 64 bits, as a long long is
defined in C9X. So I don't see any kind of problem doing this as a
solution, period.

> Warner

 Brian Fundakowski Feldman      _ __ ___ ____  ___ ___ ___  
 gr...@freebsd.org                   _ __ ___ | _ ) __|   \ 
     FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!        _ __ | _ \._ \ |) |
       http://www.FreeBSD.org/              _ |___/___/___/ 

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