> But the DNS is used to hold all sorts of information.  For example, how do
> you reconcile domain names like:
> in the DNS?  It violates the "starts with alpha" "requirement" in 952 and 1101
> that you quotes, yet we use these things all the time.  In fact, you can
> send email to that domain name because it has an A record associated with
> it, as well as a PTR record.

How do I reconcile it? Well I must admit that I have not seen that one
before. However just because there is a domain out there that is incorrect
and will resolve does not mean that we should allow others. The way I
reconcile this is that we need a patch for the resolver and I will be sure
to mail one to the Internet Software Consortium. There are a number of
cases where there are issues with implimentations of protocols, TCP, RMON
where they are fixed one problem at a time.
> I've always thought that the code that barfs on these names in gethostbyname()
> really violates the "be conservative in what you send, and liberal in
> what you receive" thought that made the Internet work.  Yeah, yeah, BIND
> does it, but that's no excuse, either.

I sort of agree with you here, however allowing this particular situation
to occur has just increased the number of non standard domain names. 

> What do I know; I was just the first chair of the domain name working group
> in the IETF so many years ago before it got fashionable.

In that case you will know a hell of a lot more than me and I honestly do
not want to contradict you. I was 11 when 952 was written and I do not
claim to know the reasons or motivations behind the decisions that
resulted in that draft. However the Internet is a great deal different,
there are a lot more people with a great deal less knowledge and
understanding maintaining things like DNS servers etc. I feel that the
live and let live attitude that you expouse worked when people like
yourself, Jon Pollard etc were the people controling things. That is just
no longer the case.


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