On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, David Scheidt wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Brian F. Feldman wrote:
> > On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, James Howard wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > Would it be legal to strip the BSD license of say, inetd and put a GPL on
> > > it?  Many in the Linux community seem to think this is true but I thought
> > > that'd be just as bad as my BSD licensed GCC distribution :)
> > 
> > No. You'd have to modify the GPL to include the copyright and BSD clauses.
> There is also the clause that says "You may not impose any further
> restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted
> herein.", which could be taken to mean you can't use BSD-licensed
> code, since that requires "This product includes software developed
> by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors." be
> attached to derived works.  

Exactly. That's what the "no" was for, but thank you for clarifying =)

> > 
> > But what would be interesting is: I'm fairly sure that under the terms of 
> > the GPL
> > the end-user may opt to use a later version at their discretion. Now, if 
> > one were
> > to buy out the FSF...
> That is something that always bothered me.  I have taken it as the "When we
> realize that we won't take over the world, we will go to a sensible license"
> clause.

Have they given up yet?

> David Scheidt

 Brian Fundakowski Feldman      _ __ ___ ____  ___ ___ ___  
 gr...@freebsd.org                   _ __ ___ | _ ) __|   \ 
     FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!        _ __ | _ \._ \ |) |
       http://www.FreeBSD.org/              _ |___/___/___/ 

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